Hi, I'm Nithin Sai Jalukuru.

Energetic programmer with a relentless drive for problem-solving. Passionate about unraveling complex real-world challenges, I thrive on the thrill of finding innovative solutions.


Dive into the world of Nithin Sai Jalukuru, where data transforms into actionable insights and innovation knows no bounds. From orchestrating cutting-edge AI chatbots to pioneering the future of data analysis at global conglomerates, Nithin's journey has been nothing short of extraordinary. With a potent blend of technical expertise from the University at Buffalo and hands-on experience spanning continents, he is on a relentless pursuit to harness the power of data and reshape industries. Whether it's predicting risk genes in autism or forecasting the future of AI, Nithin's work stands as a testament to his unparalleled skillset and unwavering passion. Welcome to a realm where data meets destiny, and every byte tells a story.

  • Languages: Python (Data science Libraries) , R, Java, C, SQL, HTML/CSS, Bash
  • Databases: MySQL, PostgreSQL, Cassandra
  • Cloud: Google Cloud Platform(Looker, BigQuery), Azure, Heroku
  • Frameworks: Tableau, Excel, Apache Airflow, Apache Kafka, Apache Spark, Kanban, ServiceNow, Git
  • Tools & Technologies: Flask, Keras, Pytorch, DataBricks ,Hadoop, Hive, TensorFlow, Scikit-learn, Streamlit, Folium, Pydeck, Heroku.

I am a data scientist with a passion for using my skills to solve real-world problems. I can unlock your company's data potential with my expertise, unleashing valuable insights and driving data-driven strategies for success.


Software Engineer
  • Implemented the pivotal inclusion of ’X’ gender in ILSOS’s S&FR programs, modernizing data systems to reflect diverse gender identities and establishing Illinois as a leader in demographic data inclusivity.
  • Demonstrated expertise in data management and analytics skills by leading the digital integration of SR22/26 files using OpenText with Illinois insurers. This enhanced data accuracy and efficiency in S&FR applications.
  • Leveraged my proficiency in diagnosing and resolving complex technical issues, expertly analyzing, debugging, and testing enhancements prior to QA team handoff.
  • Collaborated closely with managers and analysts to translate business needs into technical solutions, ensuring software projects were aligned with strategic goals.
  • Led a high-impact data purging initiative, leveraging advanced SQL Queries to optimize and process millions of driving license records. Resulted in substantial enhancements in database performance within just two months.
  • Designed and executed data analytics reports in PowerBI, extracting key insights from driving test data to inform strategic decisions and policy development.
  • I'm a Contrator for ILSOS , Employer : VistalTech INC:
Sept 2023 - Present | Springfield, Illinois, USA
Senior Data Analyst
  • Spearhead a data research analyst team, conducting comprehensive assessments and analyses of energy-related data.
  • Employ advanced statistical models and visualization techniques to uncover trends, patterns, and insights within extensive datasets, encompassing energy consumption, renewable sources, and environmental impact.
  • Collaborate extensively with energy experts, policymakers, and community stakeholders, translating data insights into actionable recommendations for optimizing energy efficiency and fostering sustainable practices.
  • Tools: Python, SQL, Excel, Selenium, Node.JS, Data visualization, Databases
July 2023 - Present | Remote, USA
Graduate Teaching Assistant
  • Collaborated with professor in developing assessments and projects, while providing ongoing guidance and support to 150+ students throughout the coursework (Fundamentals of Computational Science), resulting in enhanced learning outcomes and academic success.
  • Facilitated Weekly Office Hours to address student inquiries and clarify any doubts in solving Assessment’s (Python) and Projects.
  • Professor: Dr. Han Daozhi , UB Mathematics Dept, Course: CDA 511, Fundamentals of Computational Sciences
Jan 2023 - May 2023 | Buffalo, NewYork, USA
ASE Analyst
  • Conducted data analysis using BigQuery, performing complex SQL queries and advanced analytical functions on datasets of up to 100 million records, uncovering actionable insights for business decisions.
  • Developed data pipelines and ETL processes using GCP services such as Dataflow and Cloud Storage, automating data ingestion, transformation, and loading into BigQuery, resulting in a 50% reduction in data processing time.
  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to understand business requirements, delivering data models and analytical solutions that improved operational efficiency and drove a 15% increase in revenue.
  • Developed custom data visualizations and dashboards using Data Studio (Looker),Python libraries (such as Matplotlib, Seaborn, or Plotly) and tools like Data Studio, presenting complex data analysis results to 50+ stakeholders in actionable manner.
  • Designed and optimized data models in BigQuery, implementing schema design, partitioning, and clustering strategies, resulting in a 30% improvement in query performance and a 20% reduction in storage costs.
  • Documented data analysis methodologies, processes, and findings creating 20+ comprehensive reports for stakeholders .
  • Tools: GCP, BigQuery, Python, SQL, Excel, ServiceNow, Data visualization, Databases
Sept 2020 - Jan 2022 | Hyderabad, Telangana, India
Subject Matter Expert (SME)
  • Demonstrated expertise in Caculus by providing accurate and comprehensive solutions to student questions on the Chegg platform.
  • Maintained a high customer satisfaction rating by delivering prompt and insightful responses to student inquiries, fostering a positive learning experience.
  • Subject: Engineering Mathematics (calculus)
Oct 2020 - Sept 2021 | Hyderabad,Telangana, India
Data Analyst
  • Analyzed clients data sets using Python libraries, SQL queries, and Tableau to create interactive dashboards.
  • Developed and implemented machine learning models to solve complex business problems.
  • Conducted exploratory data analysis on large datasets to identify patterns and trends.
  • Implemented data validation checks, reducing data entry errors by 30% and enhancing overall data quality.
  • Tools: Python (Pandas, Numpy,Matplotlib, Seaborn), SQL, Tableau, Statistics
May 2019 - Sept 2020 | Hyderabad, Telangana, India
Project Intern
  • Leveraged advanced programming skills in CNC (Computer Numerical Control) to develop and optimize precise machining instructions for a critical component in the Akash missile using a turn mill center.
  • Applied data analysis techniques to evaluate and refine machining parameters, ensuring optimal efficiency, accuracy, and quality in the production process.
  • Utilized statistical methods and process control techniques to identify and address potential sources of variation, minimizing defects and enhancing overall product performance and reliability.
  • Documented programming methodologies, process parameters, and best practices, creating a knowledge repository to support future production and maintenance activities.
  • Tools: CNC programming (G, M codes), ANOVA, Taguchi DOE, Excel
May 2018 - June 2018 | Hyderabad, Telangana, India


NYC Collison Analysis
NYC Collision Analysis

NewYork City collision Analysis web-app on GCP BigQuery and Streamlit.

  • Tech Stack: Python, Streamlit, PyDeck, Folium, Google Cloud Platform, BigQuery, SQL, Looker Studio,Heroku
  • Extracted NYC collision data (~ 2 Million Rows) from NYC Open Data
  • Analysed it using GCP BigQuery SQL.
  • Visualized the results with Looker Studio dashboards
  • Built a web application with Streamlit to share the actionable insights
  • Deployed in Heroku.
quiz app
Forecasting Risk Gene

Forecasting Risk Gene discovery in Autism with Genome Scale Data

  • Tech Stack: R (Caret, GGplot2, RandomForest, GBM, XGBoost, AdaBoost), RStudio
  • Enhanced Brueggeman et al.'s risk gene discovery analysis in autism through methodology improvements.
  • Achieved optimal gene prediction results by comparing Bagging and Boosting algorithms.
Screenshot of project
Salary prediction (Full Stack)

Data Scientist Salary prediction (Python, SQL,ML Algo's )

  • Tech Stack:Python ( Pandas, NumPy, Panda’s profiling, Plotly, Sqlite3, Scikit-Learn), SQL, MySQL
  • Collected, cleaned, and normalized data from Kaggle for data scientist job postings
  • Stored it in a SQLite3 database. Analysed data by using complex visualizations to draw conclusions.
  • Implemented Ridge regression, Lasso regression, Naïve Bayes and SVM to model .
Screenshot of  web app
Misc Machine Learning Projects

Covered variety of projects on different machine learning Algorithms

  • Life Expectancy Prediction Models Used : Linear, Logistic and Decision Tree Machine Learning Models.
  • Implementation of Backpropagation Neural Network in classification of Diabetes
  • Gausian Mixture for Smart Grid Stability Prediction
  • Penguin Species classification using SVM
  • Implementation of Naïve Bayes Classifier on Income Classification
  • Implementation of Adaptative Boosting (AdaBoost) for the detecting Alzheimer’s at early stage
  • Implementation of Convolutional Autoencoding in Brain Tumor MRI Scan Images
  • A Case Study with implementation of Hidden Markov Model (HMM)
  • An approach for the prediction of water quality using Random Decision Forest model
Screenshot of  web app
Real-Time streaming Pipeline

Highway Traffic Data Integration and Real-time Streaming Pipeline for Toll Plaza Analysis

  • Tech Stack : Apache Airflow, Bash, Apache Kafka, Zookeeper , Simulators, Python, DAG’s
  • Developed and implemented a data pipeline using Apache Airflow to download, extract, transform, and consolidate data from various file formats with DAG definition, data extraction, transformation, and pipeline submission
  • Configured and managed a streaming data pipeline using Apache Kafka, including setting up Zookeeper, starting Kafka server, creating a topic, downloading, and configuring the Toll Traffic Simulator
Screenshot of  project
Traveling SalesMan Problem

Solved by utilizing ML models to determine the shortest path for given number of locations

  • Leveraged the Nearest Neighbors algorithm to compute pairwise distances, mitigating computational infeasibility of exhaustive permutation generation for large-scale Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) instances.
  • Implemented Nominatim API integration for dynamic retrieval of city coordinates, eliminating manual data entry, and employed GIF-based animated tour generation to offer an engaging and interactive visualization of the optimal route in a technical context.


Languages and Databases

Shell Scripting








University at Buffalo

Buffalo, NY, USA

Degree: Master of Science in Computer Science
CGPA: 4.0/4.0

    Relevant Courseworks:

    • Database management Systems
    • Probability and Statistics
    • Data Mining in R (Supervised and Unsupervised)
    • Machine Learning
    • Data Structures Algorithms

JNTUH College of Engineering

Hyderabad, Telangana, India

Degree: Bachelor's and Master's in Mechanical Engineering
CGPA: 9.5/10

    Relevant Courseworks:

    • Optimization Techniques
    • Statistical Learning
    • Advanced Manufacturing Systems
    • Data Analysis
    • Design of Machine Elements
